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BREAST TENDERNESS: Wear a good support bra. The tenderness will decrease as your pregnancy progresses.

SWELLING: A certain amount of swelling seems to be normal during pregnancy. It happens most often in the feet and legs and usually appears in the last few months. It may happen more often in the warmer weather. Because swelling in the hands and face may mean there is another problem, let your provider know.

  • Put your legs up whenever possible.
  • Rest, preferably on your left side, as much as possible.
  • Increase your intake of water (8 to 10 glasses a day)
  • Reduce your amount of salt.
  • Never take medication such as a diuretic (fluid pills) for the swelling – unless prescribed by your provider.
  • Wear support hose.

BACKACHE: Sleep on a firm mattress, use a heating pad, wear low-heeled shoes, be aware of good posture, and take Tylenol if necessary. We also have some back exercises that can help relieve the discomfort.

VAGINAL DISCHARGE: Increased vaginal discharge is normal in pregnancy. If it becomes itchy or foul smelling, please let your provider know.

VARICOSE VEINS: Elevate your legs whenever possible, wear support panty hose. Never wear knee-highs or thigh-high stockings.

CRAMPING: A certain amount of cramping in pregnancy is normal, especially in the first twelve weeks. Unless you have bleeding or fluid leakage along with the cramping, there is usually no need to be alarmed. If you do start cramping, drink several large glasses of water and lie on your left side. If the cramping does not subside in one hour, call the office.

EXPOSURE TO SUN: Although sunbathing in moderation is fine, you should be aware you are more likely to burn than when you are not pregnant. Remember to use a suntan lotion with sunscreen. Tanning beds are not recommended.